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Jonathan Wilson

It is a very interesting concept, isn't it? What is the evolutionary value of humour, I wonder? Arthur Koestler talks about humour as instant "bisociation" and reframing in his book "The Act of Creation". The topic makes up the whole 250 pages of Part One, "The Jester"

Chris Rodgers

Hi Jonathan,

I have to confess that I haven't read Koestler's "Act of Creation"; but his coining of the word "bisociation", to distinguish creative thinking from "the routine skills of thinking on a single plane", seems to echo the distinction that de Bono makes between "vertical thinking" (routine, pattern reinforcing) and "lateral thinking" (pattern switching - or reframing, perhaps).

The instantaneous nature of the process that Koestler points to also accords with de Bono's notion that lateral thinking (and humour) 'works' by providing an instant "insight switchover" from one 'pattern' (plane?) to another.

Cheers, Chris

chris reynolds

Are we talking about different modes of experience? And making them explicit.
Linguistic constructions are already by there nature explicit knowledge and therefore bounded.
Implicit knowledge is the known unknowns. Making these explicit is humorous because we recognize a hidden assumption - we know more.
Hidden assumptions are a different mode of experience but they all will collapse under observation.

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